How Mindfulness can Help People with Mental Illness

Caring for your mental wellbeing is really important and is up there with having a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. There are lots of resources available nowadays to help people to look after their mental health and to educate people on various mental illnesses, from online resources to training courses like these mental health training courses that help to educate and inform.

One of the most popular tools for combating mental illness and as part of a good self care routine is mindfulness. Mindfulness is something that can be practiced by anyone, doesn’t cost anything and is readily available and helpful when it comes to managing a wide range of mental health conditions.

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Mindfulness can stop all of those racing thoughts that can cause problems, and focus and ground you in the moment. It helps to slow down the brain and combined with certain breathing techniques such as 4 7 8 or box breathing, it can stabilise your emotions and feelings of panic that you might be experiencing.

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Another benefit of mindfulness is that the more you practice it, the more your concentration can improve. This helps you to get through the day and accomplish what needs to be done and not be as distracted by external events.

There are lots of useful online guides and apps that can help you if you are interested in starting to practice mindfulness. Remember that it is not something that you can do overnight – it is called a practice for a reason!

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