Do you have a head for numbers?

Do you have a good head for numbers? Accounting may be the career for you. Chartered accountants offer financial advice, audit accounts and provide credible information about financial records. This may involve audits, financial reporting, taxation, insolvency, corporate finance and business recovery. For help with your accounting, consider Accountants Gloucester at a site like Randall & Payne, a leading firm of Accountants Gloucester.

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You will find an accountant works in a variety of settings, including general practice firms, industry and commerce, and in the not-for-profit and public sectors. In public practice firms, chartered accountants provide professional services to clients who may be an individual, commercial or public sector organisation. Accountants can also work in treasury or financial management, procurement or in a reporting role.

An accountant may be involved in:

Providing financial advice

Systems and budget management

business finance audits

liaison with clients and providing financial information and advices

reviewing the company’s system and analysing the risks

advising clients on tax planning and tax issues

business acquisitions and mergers

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maintain records and account management

counselling clients in business improvement or dealing with bankruptcy

detect and prevent fraud

In the not-for-profit sectors, working involves:

liaison with auditors and dealing with financial irregularities

generate reports and follow recommendations of internal audit or external audits

Providing financial statements, including monthly and annual accounts

regulate financial management reports, including financial planning and forecasting

advising on tax issues and treasury

negotiations with suppliers

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