Easy Ways To Achieve A More Youthful Appearance

To achieve that desired youthful radiance, a combination of healthy lifestyle choices, skincare routine and the right beauty products can make a significant difference. Here are some expert recommendations for looking younger;

  1. Enhance collagen production with Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that promotes the production of collagen for skin. Make sure to include vitamin C foods such as strawberries, bell peppers and oranges in your diet. Additionally using a serum containing peptides and vitamin C can help plump the skin and reduce lines around the eyes and mouth.

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  1. Embrace some length in your hairstyle

As we age it’s common to choose hairstyles that may limit our options for versatility. Hairstylists suggest maintaining some length on top as it can create a feminine profile while offering coverage for areas where hair might be thinning at the neck and scalp.

  1. Try a dash of colour

Adding a touch of colour through accessories or a scarf can bring a fresh and youthful feel to your outfit. Just make sure to choose a colour that complements your skin tone. For instance fair complexions naturally look great with darker shades. However, such shades might not suit darker skin tones.

  1. Be subtle with eyeliner

A smudged and smoky eyeshadow look can instantly age you. However if you still want to use eyeliner go for a touch. Opt for shades like chocolate brown as they tend to look more natural compared to black. Black liners tend to draw attention towards crows feet and droopy eyelids. Avoid wrinkles with Botox Treatments Cheltenham. If you’re considering Botox Treatments Cheltenham, visit Dr Kate.

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  1. Opt for a blush

Adding a hint of pink on the cheeks can give your complexion an youthful appearance. However make sure you choose a formula that matches your skin tone. Avoid using shimmery formulas or anything glittery as they can emphasise wrinkles and highlight flaws.

  1. Taking care of your hands is important

Signs of ageing, such as hands and chewed cuticles can give away your age. One suggestion from a dermatologist is to apply the retinol you use on your face to your palms as it can help soften them.

  1. Stay active

Staying active and engaging in exercise routines can help maintain the position of your spine and reduce the chances of experiencing aches and pains in the future. Alongside yoga, pilates and other exercises focused on core strengthening activities, like walking, biking or jogging can be beneficial too. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

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