Reasons to Clear Debris From Your Garden

Spring is the ideal time to clear debris from your garden, but many people postpone this activity until the new growth starts. Insects may emerge before you’ve cleared the area of the previous year’s debris, so be patient and wait until after new growth has begun. If you can’t wait until then, at least lay the debris somewhere that allows insects to emerge before you pick it up. This can be done by bundling up your debris and laying it along wood edges or in loose piles near fence lines. This is particularly helpful if you are encouraging bees and butterflies to spend the winter hibernating in your garden.

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Birds are also welcome in gardens. Insect-eating birds eat thousands of caterpillars every year. By preventing their habitat from being filled with dead plant stems, you’ll be providing them with a healthy, nutritious diet. Birds also glean hibernating insects from leaf litter and dead plant stems. This increases the population of bird-nursing insects, which is good for the health of your garden.

However, you need to be aware of keeping debris away from drains. If your drain is located outdoors, you might not realise it, but wind can cause a lot of debris to blow into your outdoor drain. Over time, these leaves decompose and can become a nuisance. Aside from being unsightly, a blocked outdoor drain can be a slip hazard as well as cause trouble with your home drainage. For help with Drain Lining Gloucester for damaged pipes, contact

In order to clean the drains, you first need to clear away any leaves and debris that have accumulated on the drainage grid. Otherwise, you might end up with a garden that floods. To remove leaves and debris without making a mess, you can use a metal or plastic net. In addition to covering the drain grid, you also need to be aware of any debris that is collecting near the drain.

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Once you’ve cleaned the termination point, you should clean out any remaining debris. The piping empties into the drainage system somewhere, usually near the street kerb, but it may also be in the yard with a slope. The termination point may be covered by a grate, so it will be helpful to remove it. If you can’t reach the termination point, you can use a shop vacuum to clean up the accumulated debris.

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