The marvels of Music Therapy on the effects of Dementia and other severe memory loss conditions.

The incredibly positive effects of music therapy on patients with dementia or other severe memory loss illnesses is well documented.  However, the mental and emotional benefits are well worth looking at in more detail.  Positive emotions and mental well-being are inexplicably linked to music and the amazing power of intensive therapy using music has overwhelming been proven time and time again to actively contribute to a patient’s happiness, keeping them calm and content.

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Many Care Homes and Residential facilities like a Care Home Taunton in Somerset and other Counties now incorporate music therapy alongside other entertainment programmes for their well-cared for Residents. Research has shown that music can access parts of the brain that the spoken language cannot, so singing can communicate with a person struggling with Dementia on a deeper more profound level. Lessening distress levels by playing a well-known piece of music or obtaining a positive reaction from a patient who has previously been shut-down emotionally are just two of the way’s music therapy can be used to help.

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Promoting Social interaction, physical exercise, reducing isolation and helping people connect with others, music therapy is an invaluable tool in the battle with Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Korsakoff Syndrome and other mental health issues.  Music touches a person’s Soul and reaches into the Heart and mind of a confused and bewildered patient to help them access memories long since forgotten.

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