How depression can affect us

Depression is a mental health condition and it can affect people in a number of different ways. It is one of the conditions that is covered in Mental Health Training Courses like the ones that are provided by tidaltraining. It is important to understand that people do not experience the physical and mental effects of depression in the same way and the support they need will also be varied.

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Some of the physical effects of depression can include the following:

  • Falling asleep easily, or finding it hard to fall asleep as well as insomnia
  • Fatigue and extreme exhaustion
  • Lack of appetite or overeating
  • Stomach problems such as indigestion, diarrhoea and constipation
  • Skin issues

All of these physical effects can start to have an impact on an individual’s mental health as well as the originating depression. It can become a vicious circle that the individual may need support in breaking.

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Some of the mental health effects can include:

  • Low mood
  • Lack of motivation and energy
  • Poor concentrate
  • No desire or interest in doing things that you would normally enjoy
  • Low libido
  • Irritability
  • Anger or sadness
  • Racing thoughts
  • Feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness

It is important that when someone experiences a catalogue of these symptoms that they visit their GP for support. This may include medication and a referral on to a mental health specialist that may be able to provide counselling and therapies such as CBT and other talking therapies.

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