What are the qualities of a good motorist?

Many young people can’t wait until their 17th birthday before they start taking driving lessons. They want to enjoy a little bit of freedom. It’s hard to appreciate at a young stage the skills required to be a safe driver. Here are some qualities of a good driver.


Patience is one of the most important traits a driver can have. It takes a lot of patience. It can be stressful to drive, so it is important to stay calm and take a deep breath. Impatience is a major factor in many road traffic accidents. Lack of patience may also cause speeding, red-light jumping and failure to give way. Impatience and aggression are more likely to lead to road rage, accidents or other scenarios.

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Maintenance and care

Good drivers always keep their vehicles in top condition. This not only helps the car to last longer, but also ensures that the driver is taking all reasonable measures to ensure optimum safety. A good driver will never drive with a problem, but instead fix it as soon as you can. For car and Trailer Parts, see Trailer Parts from Auto and Trailer


A competent and sensible driver won’t blame anyone else for their actions behind the wheel. Good drivers take responsibility for their driving, and any mistakes that they may make. A good driver will learn from their mistakes and correct them to prevent making the same mistake again.

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To pass their driving test, all drivers must show a certain degree of discipline. Discipline is what makes a driver follow traffic rules and obey signs. Discipline is what influences a person to make important decisions, such as not drinking and driving or breaking the speed limit. Self-control and understanding the driving laws and their importance are essential for good drivers.

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